Session 0

Getting the girls onboard with playing DnD was easy. I mean, deep down all kids want the chance to go loot, pillage and maim without any real life consequence. Also, maybe meet a unicorn. I was a little worried that my oldest was making detailed plans about world domination, and what would happen to anyone who stood in her way, before we even started character creation, but I was hoping it would work itself out.


None of my daughters are proficient in English yet, so filling out character sheet would naturally be mostly my job. Still, It was important that they should take an informed choice to have a good bond with their characters.

To get them to know about the characters we spent some lazy weekend morning hours in bed just rustling through the Players Handbook, looking at the pictures with me explaining the different races and classes.

After some deliberation my oldest decided that she wanted to play a wood-elf rouge. My youngest wanted to play a halfling. She also wanted to be a rouge.
I carefully tried to explain that it could be smart to diversify the classes, but was ignored. So now we have two rouges. I can work with that.

I let the girls roll up their stats for me, and had them explain to me how their characters looked, and what they are good at. Based on that I created characters as true to their wishes as I managed in D&D Beyonds characters generator. I stole/borrowed some art from the internet that kinda looked like the characters they were describing, so they better could visualize their characters. I started the characters at level 2 because I thought I would have enough to worry about in the beginning without having to worry they would be murdered by the first goblin they met.

To add flavor and encourage backstory I also let each of the girls pick one, not to powerful magic item from the DMs Guide to start with. The only important criteria in choosing was that it should be a funny item.

This is the party we ended up with:

“Zerija Katla Galadriel.”  Wood-elf Rouge. 19 years old (played by my oldest daughter, 9 years old.)

Zerija loves knives, and have like ten strapped to different parts of her body at all times.

She comes from a wood-elf family which is deeply in debt to a high-elf company called “The homeowners.” To avoid her family becoming homeless and ending in high elf debt-prison she ran away from home a couple years ago to earn money. Her preferred way of making money is conning and stealing. While conning a powerful wizard who she had tricked into beliving she was his apprentice she stole a Wand of wonder ( one time of day use for simplicity and balance). To escape she had to use the staff on the wizard making him sprout grass from all over his body. Will we meet this now grumpy grasscovered wizard again? Who knows?
She now works in a small traveling circus with her friend…

“Gilda Carrot”. Lightfoot-Halfling Rouge. 6 years old (played by my youngest daughter 6 years old).


Gilda is a precocious young halfling bubbling over with energy and trickery, who loves animals and enjoy making friends.  So far we know that she comes from a huge family of hobbits who runs a large carrot-farm, they also do some dragonbreeding on the side (small dragons, don’t worry). Farming wasn’t Gildas cup of tea so at a young age she set out into the world to do what she wanted to do, run a traveling circus. When she left, her great grandfather who is a powerful wizard gaver her a Bag of Tricks (one time a day use) to keep her safe. She quickly met and befriended Zerija, who was the first to travel with her. They have also picked up a couple other stragglers along the way.

They are:


“Froyhild the Impatient.” Human Barbarian, 35 years old (played by my wife, 35 years old.)


Froyhild is a (very) strong woman with teenytiny anger management issues. She used to be a chef in the tavern her family runs in her home village. That was until she lost her temper and beat the local lord almost to death with her frying pan. She had to skip town. Now she uses the frying pan to take care of Gilda and Zerija, by making food (and crushing goblin skulls) with it. 

The last member of the band is:

“Sourface Bri
stlestache.” Dwarf Cleric, 37 years old (controlled by me, 37 years old).

Sourface is in the group because they need a healer to survive, and it would be complicated and unfair to force any of them to take on the healer role the first time they played DnD.

He’s a dwarf of few words, mainly because he’s run by me and I have a lot to do already.

Sourface comes from a noble dwarven family who rules the underground mountain city of “Chop.” He ran away from his noble obligation and joined the circus because he has always  dreamed of being a clown.

That’s the gang.

Let the adventures begin!


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