Session 0
Getting the girls onboard with playing DnD was easy. I mean, deep down all kids want the chance to go loot, pillage and maim without any real life consequence. Also, maybe meet a unicorn. I was a little worried that my oldest was making detailed plans about world domination, and what would happen to anyone who stood in her way, before we even started character creation, but I was hoping it would work itself out. None of my daughters are proficient in English yet, so filling out character sheet would naturally be mostly my job. Still, It was important that they should take an informed choice to have a good bond with their characters. To get them to know about the characters we spent some lazy weekend morning hours in bed just rustling through the Players Handbook, looking at the pictures with me explaining the different races and classes. After some deliberation my oldest decided that she wanted to play a wood-elf rouge. My youngest wanted to play a halfling. She also wanted to b...