
After a hiatus of more than 20 years I rediscovered DnD a couple years ago after listening to Not Another Dnd Podcast and Critical Role. Listening to other people play I, naturally, started itching for getting into the action myself. But, working full time, and with two daughters, 6 and 9, its hard to find the time to get a regular game going with friends. I want to play DnD, not 50 shades of scheduling conflicts. What to do?

Play DnD with the kids, of course!  

So, in the spring of 2022 I started DMing for my wife and daughters. About once a week we stop worrying about work, homework, cleaning and, and start worrying about humiliating our enemies (quite often through song and expressionist dance, more about this later) smashing skulls, loot and saving the world. In that order.

Playing the kids is great. Their characters have taken on lives of their own, and they bring a level of engagement and creativity to the game that boggles the mind. That doesn’t mean its easy. DnD for kids is not just a DnD for grown-ups with less rules.  As a DM for the kids I have to learn and adapt constantly to make the game fun for them.

On this site I will do two things.

n Document the adventures of “The Rainbow family” – the name my daughters have given our band of adventurers. This is for everyone who is interested, but mostly so that me, my wife and daughters can look back on it when their older. Some of the shit they get up to deserves to be remembered.   

n Write down lessons and tips I have from the sessions. What worked, what didn’t, what adjustments do I make to fix the problems or challenges that arises. Mainly because I think I will become a better DM by actually sitting down and reflecting in writing, but also to help others who want to play with their kids. All kids are different, but if anything I learned from playing with my kids can help you, great.


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